A New Era of Software [Development]

AIV or “AIVory” /ˌeɪˈaɪvəri/, started as a radical thought-process on how the future of software engineering will look like. What began as an experiment has become the starting point for a new era: Using generative artificial intelligence (AI) to generate code and re-shape the role of humans in software development:

At AIV you don’t pay for developers to code, but for experts to train and oversee the self-coding AI

This approach makes us unique. By minimizing our dependency on our human limitations, we can reach unmatched speed, accuracy and cost-effectiveness. All while working with a trusted, non-public, dedicated AI controlled by a specialized team.

AIV developers working

How does AIV work?

AIV can be at your service easily:

  1. Specification:
    Our trusted team of human specialists will reach out to you to discuss your requirements. Having in mind the abilities of our AIV system our team might be able to challenge you and strengthen your visions of what you might want to achieve. Together you agree on a product specification for production.
  2. Generation:
    Our custom AIV system will start generating code. Coding language, frameworks and environments are at your preference, or can be recommended by AIV. Our AI system is based on modern natural language processing (NLP) models, enhanced with additional layers that add context and help us create better prompts and clarify instructions while providing unmatched levels of context. It learns from large code repositories, accessing and analyzing millions of lines of code and can create fitting code faster than any human could.

    Also, it is superior to any publicly available models since it works dedicated, in a secure environment and doesn’t use your data to train publicly available products.
  3. Quality Control:
    We iterate over each result and have a team of trained prompt engineers and system architects who can review and test the code generated by AI, ensuring that it meets the best practices and standards of the industry and to your liking.
  4. Delivery:
    We deliver the software to you in the format and platform of your choice, along with the documentation and support.

Why choose AIV?

Better software products delivered faster at lower cost doesn’t sound convincing to you? Let’s dig down into the details:

  • Quality:
    Replacing the human factor in coding frees up resources at your end as well as allows other roles such as architects and QA to work more efficiently.
  • Speed:
    Sprints are now quite literally sprints. We currently take a few days for projects that used to take weeks. Your business can be agile as never before.
  • Cost-effectiveness:
    You can save up to 75% of the cost of traditional software development. And let’s be honest: Hiring traditional software developers today will likely anyways include AI-generated code, just maybe not to be accounted for in terms of compensation and surely not as qualitative as coming from our AIV.
  • Innovation:
    If you go crazy for Rust, want to get rid of old C+/C++ Code or just wonder if your vending machine could to something useful with blockchain - we got you covered. You’ll be able to react to trends the moment you learn about them, cutting weeks of time needed for RFPs, specifications and large project boards.
  • Expertise:
    The team behind AIV comes from software engineering and is well aware of just what AI can and can’t do. Therefore we don’t blind-sighted trust just any Chatbot out there, but understand the need for a custom-built gen AI tool to allow enterprise-grade coding.


Who are we?

We are a team of AI and business experts, with more than 200+ projects and 20 years of experience under our belt. We have created software solutions that are fast, cost-effective, high-quality, and innovative for customers from various industries, sectors, regions, and markets. We are knowledgeable in a long list of languages and are used to complex project environments. We have also extensive experience in AI and machine learning, devoting long hours on Kaggle and Open Source projects.